Sunday, February 13, 2011

Exerted Laziness

There is a phenomenon here in Hong Kong which I would like to label: Exerted Laziness.

I shall define Exerted Laziness as the following:
The use of explosive effort in return for a small payoff.

This is not the usual couch potato spud slobbering TV zombie that comes to mind but the laziness from a comfortable life style that the cities infrastructure has created from a zeal to make life more simple. 

To say the least, the Metro system is great. Too great in fact that passengers refuse to use the stairs after disembarking and opt for the linear sardine conveyor belt commonly know as "an escalator".

The exerted lazy Hong Konger refuses to walk a simple 15 to 20 minutes that it takes from one station to the next and will opt to take a taxi.

Another observable characteristic of the exerted laziness is one in which there is an explosion of manic effort to get through the door that is slowly closing back in its rightful resting place to avoid using any superhuman energy or effort of ones arm to open it anew.  Instead, the exerted lazy Hong Konger will rely on YOU to have had the door opened from your efforts and they will quickly squeeze through before it shuts, even though the glass door beside it is ready and begging to be used.

If you have noticed this or any other examples for your local, please feel free to add them here.